Dahu Robotics is a French startup company based in Lille, developing a robot stairlift.

The team 👨‍💻

As of today, the team is mostly composed of engineers. Find us on LinkedIn.

We are actively looking for new recruits!

They help us

Dahu Robotics is a project from Inria Startup Studio. It is supported by incubators Eurasenior (part of Eurasanté) and Euratechnologies.

Dahu Robotics has received funding from the Région Hauts-de-France as well as its “high-potential project” label.

Dahu Robotics has received funding and support for experimentation from Santélys association, as a winner of the “Innovation” call for proposals 2023.

Why “Dahu”?

The dahu is a legendary French animal living in the mountains, with legs of different sizes on both sides. When its left legs are longer than its right legs, it can only turn clockwise around the mountain (and vice versa). It is often depicted as looking like an ibex or a stag. The creature is believed to be smart and kind, although quite discreet, which would explain why so few people remember seeing it. Talking about organising a dahu hunting mission is a famous French joke.